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Are You Ready To Put Your Business On The World Wide Web?

Introducing Inet7s New Ventures Hosting Package: "Meeting the Internet Challenges of Startups and Individuals".

-Kenneth R Taylor - President, Inet7 Internet Services, Inc.

Once you have made the decision to put your company on the Web, there are many questions that need answering. The most important issues are covered in this article and relate to Domain names, Web Site Design, E-mail and Web Site Hosting. Through our experiences with nearly 3,000 customer's today, we have developed a service that addresses each of these issues so you can start today, next week or whenever you are ready to put information about your company or services on the Web, allowing your customers to find you.

The single biggest advantage of having a website is providing an almost "unlimited" amount of information about your company to your customers and prospective customers. Take advantage of this idea by placing your web address in your yellow-page ads, business cards, letterheads and any other 'traditional' forms of advertising you do and you will see results. We have helped many Brick-and-Mortar and construction companies cut their advertising costs by 95%!

  • Windows 2003 Server
  • User Control Panel
  • Site Visitor Reporting
  • 10 e-mail accounts
  • Free Domain Name!
  • Site Builder included!

    Domain Names
    Let's begin by talking about Domain names. A domain name is the www address specifically assigned to your company. Your customers will type this in their Internet browser to find you and they will be directed to your web site information.

    Questions To Consider:

    • What should my name be?
    • Is it available?
    • Who should I register it with?
    • How Much do they cost?

    Inet7 has installed utilities to help you search and purchase available domain names for your business or personal use. Ideally, you should choose a name that associates with your company name, brand or services. Normally domain names are $19/per year, but with our New Ventures hosting package, it is included in the price to get started. (you will be asked to renew for $19 the following year). You can click on this Link to search for available domains!


    Creating a Web Site
    Now that you have a domain name, the next step is designing a web site that presents the desired message and information to your customers.

    Questions To Consider:

    • Who will develop the web site?
    • Can interested visitors contact me directly from my site?
    • Will it cost hundreds or maybe thousands to make changes to my site?

    As part of the New Ventures hosting package, Inet7 offers a web site creator called Site Builder. Site Builder is a program accessed through our web site with a username and password (the username and password is what distinguishes you from all the other sites built with Site Builder). Once logged in, you will be asked to choose a color and layout scheme that you like best. There are literally hundreds Website Templates and combinations that you can mix and match, but you will most likely see one that jumps out at you right away.

    Once you have chosen a "theme" for your site, you may begin adding pages and content with user friendly buttons and easy forms to fill out. Within minutes, you have just created a web site for your company. What's more, at anytime, day or night...you can log in and make changes to your site and add more pages and information with no additional costs.

    We can also help you through this process as well. With a simple phone call, we gather information to understand your business or website needs and build it for you!


    Web Site Hosting Services
    Every web site on the Internet is "hosted" or displayed on the Internet by a "web hosting company". Your web site files are displayed from a server whenever someone asks for your domain name. Choosing a web-host, can be difficult as there are many questions to consider:


    • Who should I host my web site with?
    • Are they a good company to work with?
    • Do they have good customer support?
    • Can they support my web site?
    • Can I expand to include more, or different, services?
    • Am I locked into any long-term contracts?

    With the New Ventures hosting package, web site hosting is included. We designed the secure website hosting environment to work precisely with the web site builder so they match up perfectly.

    When selecting a web hosting partner, it is important to work with a trusted, responsive company who will be available when you need them. We recommend that you contact an experienced and trusted Internet Service Provider who is available in the "traditional sense" - a company you can reach anytime by phone, e-mail, or even stop by their office to view their operation. Inet7 embodies these attributes and carries them forward to provide the highest quality service to our customers.

    "Availability" is one of our key words at Inet7. It applies to our network and our customer support. Read what our customers say about Inet7s availability and customer support service, click here to launch their testimonials.

    Since our inception in May, 1999, Inet7 has become a leader in custom web and application hosting, and currently hosts over 3,000 web sites for companies and professionals all over the world. Click here to learn more about our company, business partners, and history.


    E-mail Services
    The final piece is relating to e-mail. The real value of e-mail is from a marketing or branding perspective. When a user sends an e-mail to [email protected] or if they receive e-mail from [email protected] it will add credibility to your business operations. The second advantage of having e-mail for [email protected] is that it will never change. You can feel comfortable printing and distributing these e-mail addresses for various staff members without worrying about changing ISP's.


    • Will my e-mail address have my domain in it?
    • Will there be enough e-mail addresses for everyone?
    • Can I add more e-mail addresses if I need to?
    • Do I need Web-based e-mail or can I use my mail program?

    Through our New Ventures package, your e-mail will be branded to your organization. Using the e-mail address format of [email protected] will enable you to instantly relay your company's web address on it with every e-mail!

    Every e-mail account can be accessed either via the web OR downloaded with your existing mail program. E-mail accessed through the web includes additional features including access to an online control panel for easy addition or deletion of e-mail accounts at your leisure.

    I hope you've found this article helpful and informative. With this information, you should have a good idea of what needs to happen next: Ready to get started? Order your complete New Ventures package now!



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